"Look Up" Animation for MIDEVIL

Final Motion Design Assignment for CMII Class

Session 1 Promo "ME" x MIDEVIL

BTS of Retro

Home Bound/Personal gif by Ikyla Jones

Pop it Bash 2020

Phone home gif by Ikyla Jones

"hoop madness" a video edited by Ikyla for organization, The juice live, at Savannah state university, in 2019.

A  2nd year cab bash video for organization, the juice live, at Savannah savannah state university University, edited by Ikyla in 2019

"the robbery" created and edited by Ikyla and classmates at savannah state univeristy  In 2018.

"about you" a short video about Ikyla jones,  created and edited by Ikyla and classmate, Jason smith at hutchings career academy in macon, ga in 2017. 

"Terry out of dress code" A silent short film edited by Ikyla and classmates from high school at hutchings career academy in macon, ga in 2017

A Typography video created and edited by Ikyla for a class assignment on August 29, 2019

Magazine Entry #1 by Ikyla Jones

A cab bash video edited by Ikyla for the organization, The juice live, at Savannah State University in 2018. 

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